“Harbiyya” (“Military”) Camp Continues
The 3rd day at the “Harbiyya” military patriotic camp started with morning exercise.
Afterwards participants were taken to an excursion to “Qanli Körpü” (Bloody Bridge).
Within the framework of the camp, participants formed teams and conducted a search operation of the concealed military means through the given coordinates.
Moreover, participants met with a member of Special Intelligence Group, Veteran Agil Ahmedov.
“Harbiyya” military patriotic camp is jointly implemented by “ASAN Service”, Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, “ASAN Volunteers” Organization, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TCCA), Gadabay District Executive Authority and “Javad Khan” History and Culture Foundation.
Media partners of the project are “Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting” CJSC, ASAN Radio and www.azvision.az news agency.