“ASAN service” conduct Azerbaijan-UAE state service international forum
On June 14, 2023, the Azerbaijan-United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government Innovation and Competitiveness Forum was held in Baku.
The event was jointly organized by the State Agency for Citizen Service and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirates.
The Forum which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, was held under the "The Beginning of a New Management Era: Exploring the Relationships between Public Service, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development" topic.
Within the framework of "Memorandum of Agreement on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the United Arab Emirates on the exchange of governmental experiences" signed on November 28, 2022, more than 200 representatives of local institutions, private companies and diplomatic missions accredited in our country took part in the forum.
Chairperson of the State Agency for the Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ulvi Mehdiyev, Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the UAE Muhammad Al Garghawi, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elnur Aliyev spoke at the forum.
UAE Prime Minister’s Office – Head of the Government Acceleration Program Radheya Al Hashimi made a presentation on “Acceleration of Government Services” topic.
In the first panel discussions organized on the topic "Future of Services", Deputy Chairman of the State Agency Jeyhun Salmanov, Head of the Department of Development of Government Services of the Office of the Prime Minister of the UAE Salim Al Shaami, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Anar Karimov, Representative of the Government of the UAE Tariq Al Hawi, "SINAM" LLC Director Elchin Aliyev spoke.
In the second panel discussion dedicated to the topic of "Increasing the powers of women in public administration", Hijran Huseynova, the deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Hanan Ahli, the executive director of the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Organization, Guler Pashayeva, the Executive Director of the Central Bank, Candice Makdaign, the country director of the Asian Development Bank for Azerbaijan, Yana Krimpe, founder of “Femmes Digitales” organization, spoke.
At the forum, videos about “Azerbaijan-UAE cooperation: from past to future” and “Azerbaijan-UAE cooperation: Strong partnership” were demonstrated.
The Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the UAE, Mohammad Al Qarqawi, was presented with the medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan for effective cooperation with "ASAN service" in the end of the forum.
It should be recalled that on November 28, 2022, the "Memorandum of Agreement on cooperation on the exchange of governmental experiences between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)" was signed.
Based on the Memorandum of Agreement, sharing "ASAN service" experience with the United Arab Emirates, exchange of knowledge and advanced practices in the field of public services, capacity building in the specific field, excellence in service, volunteering, as well as sharing the "Government Acceleration Program" managed by the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs of the UAE with Azerbaijan is intended.