"ASAN service" presentation was held in Berlin
Delegation led by the Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Inam Karimov is paying a visit to Berlin.
In the frame of the visit, on May 4 2015, delegation of the State Agency has met with Jurgen Klimke, Bundestag MP and Deputy head of the German Delegation to the parliamentary assembly of the OSCE, Axel Fischer, head of the German delegation to the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, the representatives of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Federal Ministry of Interior, Germany International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), also with the head of the Friendship Group at the German Parliament with the states of the South Caucasu Mrs. Karin Strenz and other represenatives of the group.
Chairman of the State Agency Inam Karimov delivered information about the recent reforms implemented in the field of improvement of public administration and modernization conducted by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Chairman of the Agency made a wide presentation about the successul activity of "ASAN service" as a part of these reforms and initiatives which are taken in the field of e-governance in Azerbaijan. "ASAN service" was drawn to the attention as a successful and example model due to its legal-formal criteria and from the aspect to increase the efficiency of the public services. It was mentioned that there have been provided approximately 5 million citizens' applications.
During the meetings German officials highlighted the activity of "ASAN service" as an example model in the field of public service delivery and its importance to implement such experience in other countries too.
Parviz Shahbazov, Ambassador of the Republicof Azerbaijan to Germany delivered a speech about the dinamic development between Azerbaijan and Germany and also emphasised contribution of "ASAN service" to this cooperation. Head of the International Relations department of the Council on State Support to Non-governmental Organisations under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mustafa Gurbanli gave information about the development of the civil society and the role of support by government and activity on the international level.
Visit of the Delegation has been continuing within the Congress dedicated to the topic on XVIII "Efficient govenment 2015".