Let’s hurry up to create “Green mountain”!
“Green mountain” social awareness campaign will be conducted within the project entitled “Let’s change a paper to a leaf” dedicated to the paper waste collection organized by IDEA Public Union, “ASAN service” and “Azersun-Holding Ltd.”
Symbolic “mountain” created by paper waste at the event will gather people who realise social responsibility and call people to “green” future.
IDEA Public Union, “ASAN service” and “Azersun-Holding Ltd.” invites the representatives of state and private agencies, NGOs and citizens to to attend at the “Green mountain” event for the sake of environmental protection.
Participants should take as minimum 5 kg paper waste to join the event!
Should be noted, that purpose of the project is to reduce paper wastage and save the trees by recycling, environmental protection and maintain ecological balance. Moreover, project targets to protect environment from pollution and build a proper management of waste. At the same time, “Green ASAN”initiative was put forward by “ASAN Volunteers” to support the project and hundreds of young people joined this initiative.